
The Talking Wall was a spot at Los Angeles Valley Junior College where people would gather together between classes, dash into the snack shop come out and stand by the three foot wall and swap stories. The stories would burst out in exuberant tones, or droll tones, and would carry much weight or completely defy gravity.We are, everyone one of us, after all, made up of stories. They are how we define and understand our world and ourselves.

Everyone has stories to tell, and everyone stands to be blessed by a story. Our experiences — the things that happened and the things we did — become stories and the ones we carry the longest must be there for some purpose. That purpose may be for amusement or enlightenment. These are stories I’d like to share with you. They might have one, the other, or both.  Leave your comments, insights, quibbles, questions, and even your own parallel experiences.

2 thoughts on “About

    • I attended Valley JC from 72-74. The Talking Wall was a name my friends and I gave the area surrounding the snack shop because people would gather there and talk about stories of the day. Thanks for asking. I will post some Valley JC stories at some point.

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